Natchez Peak Loop Trail – Mount Rainier National Park

Wildflowers, mountain lakes, and sunshine!

We enjoyed searching out trails that had wildflowers this summer. This one is an easy trail where you can feel more like your are walking instead of hiking.

About the Trail

Miles: 3.2 Miles, Roundtrip

Elevation Gain: 600 feet

Pass Needed: National Park Pass

Level: Beginner

Pros: Mountain views almost the entire time, wild flowers in summer, little strain, mountain lakes, fall foliage, great with kids, easy access parking and rest rooms

Cons: Very popular with tourists

If starting at the parking lot, make your way to the covered bridge and take a right following the trail signs.

This will take you through a short wooded area with large trees, shade, and some wild flowers.

There comes an opening to a view of a mountain lake with a gentle decline into wild flowers.

Remember: where there are flowers, there are bees and other bugs! Be sure to bring a bug net for your face just in case!

The trail leads right to a lake with clear water.

When you continue past the lake, you will need to cross the road to the other portion of the trail with more mountain views!

This trail is also a small section of the Pacific Crest Trail. You will see many long-distance hikers on trail and at the bathrooms.

We love this hike especially earlier in the morning to beat the crowds. These pictures were taken at the end of July, the best time for wild flower sightings in the park.

Author: Chelsea Yell

I write for fun and to keep up with memories I make with others.

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